BOOK NOW Decontracting Massage MORE INFO A FEW DAYS IN THE CITY? TRAIN WITH US MORE INFO BOOK NOW Pilgrim Spa Circuit MORE INFO WELCOME TO ESPAGAT For us, the most important thing is you. That you feel good so you can enjoy your life to the fullest. For that, we know that it’s important to take care of your body, because it’s the only place you have in which to live. LEARN MORE ONLINE STORE All SPA Circuits Massage Body Facials Bathrooms Specials Gift boxes Hair removal Hair removal Women’s Depilation Body U-Tech reducing massage For... Mobilize and reduce accumulated fat Shaping the silhouette Achieve greater firmness Improve lymphatic drainage and deobtruction Improve oxygenation and cellular nutrition Include... Reducing massage... Massage Thai Massage For... A therapy that helps to restore our vital energy and to rebalance our physical and emotional aspects through pressures and stretches. The pressure... Facials Surface skin cleansing For... Cleansing for all skin types Include... Cleanser, tonic and peeling Massage with specific facial cream Facial mask Finishing cream Duration: 30 min. Massage Stone Spa Massage For... This therapy consists in the distribution of hot and cold stones throughout the body -chakras. The massage, in addition to relaxing you, provides... Massage Special relaxing massage For... Our "star" massage, starting from the head, neck and back, to the soles of the feet, legs and even the hands. Do you... Specials Special Program For... Stimulate cellular regeneration of the skin, preserve flexibility and fight against premature aging. Include... Peeling and gold body wrap Gold facial mask Gold bath ... SPA Circuits SPA Circuit Service temporarily unavailable For... Relax Includes... Massage pools with jet treatments for specific areas Jacuzzi with massage beds Vitality pool Turkish bath Finnish sauna Roman therma ... Massage Shiatsu Massage For... This technique applies pressure on the surface of the body to correct imbalances, maintain and promote health. Highly beneficial to recover your wellbeing... Bathrooms Seaweed wrap For... Combat adipose tissue located, basically, in the abdomen, buttocks and legs. Helps to eliminate toxins by decreasing fluid retention. Include... General hot seaweed, aloe... Body Rehydrating aloe vera or chocolate For... For skins that need extra hydration at any time of the year. Include... Body peeling Aloe vera or chocolate envelope Aloe vera or... Body Pressotherapy For... Improves circulatory problems, cellulite, tired legs and fluid retention. Also stimulates the immune system. Include... Pressotherapy session Duration: 30 min. SPA Circuits Pilgrim spa circuit For... Relax Treatment for muscle pain Restorative for moments of exhaustion Includes... Massage pools with jets for treatment of specific areas A jacuzzi with massage... Facials Personalized facial treatment with spatula ultrasonic For... Cleansing for all skin types (sensitive, dehydrated, mature ...). Include... Prior diagnosis of the state of the skin. The ultrasonic spatula will help us... Hair removal Men’s Hair Removal Massage Local Relaxing Massage For... Express massage that is perfect for treating a specific area where we need to relieve tension. You can choose between these combinations: To Choose... ... Massage Indian Massage For... Traditional Indian massage, performed with a mixture of hot oils and essences that stimulate blood circulation, remove blockages and relax deeply. It helps... Body Hydration and exfoliation For... For dehydrated and devitalized skins that need nutrition prior to exfoliating action. Include... Collagen body peel. Scottish shower. Relaxing body massage with moisturizing balm. Duration: 50... Gift boxes Gift Card Choose the amount for the gift card in euros and add it to the cart. We will send it by email and the lucky... Massage General relaxing massage For... A general treatment of the whole body that, in less than an hour, manages to massage the main areas of our body: head,... Body Draining for tired legs For... Relieves heaviness in the legs and activates circulation. Include... Relieves heaviness in the legs and activates circulation. Duration: 30 min. Facials Deep Cleansing with craniofacial massage For... Deep hygiene is essential for the skin of the face to look good perfect, breathe and absorb cosmetic treatments better. Include... Cleanser, tonic and... Massage Decontracting massage For... A general body massage to alleviate muscular tension in those areas where you need it the most. Duration: 40 min. Massage Cranial / Foot Massage For... Perfectly complements other therapies offered in the Spa, such as the circuit, baths or wraps. Have you ever thought about how much you... Specials Compostela Sensations For... For moments of physical and mental exhaustion. Chocolate is invigorating and stimulating, which activates metabolism and cell renewal. Include... Spa Circuit and Stellaris Body... Specials Compostela Dreams For... For moments of physical and mental exhaustion. Include... Spa circuit Sensitive relaxing massage Facial peeling Mask Foot massage Duration: 125 min. Specials Chocolate Express For... MoMoments of physical and mental exhaustion. Chocolate is invigorating and stimulating, which activates the metabolism and cell renewal. Include... Chocolate peel Chocolate wrap Scottish... Bathrooms Chocolate / Gold Bath For... Increase the skin’s beauty and health through the benefits of the chosen ingredient Include... Stellaris Increase the skin’s beauty and health through the benefits... Massage Candle massage For... It is a stimulating and delicate massage, performed with the hot oil of a candle creating an atmosphere that invites you to rest... Massage Anti-cellulite massage For... A technique that treats areas of localized fat to mobilize the deposits and promote their elimination. Duration: 30 min. Body Anti-Cellulite For... Diminish cellulite and orange peel skin Include... Reducing massage with specific cream and heat gel Pressotherapy Duration: 40 min. Doing the Camino? We have the perfect recovery experience for you Spa circuit Massage pools with jet treatments for specific areas PRESS HERE ACTIVITIES All Body Zen Water Spinner Body Abdominals SABER MÁS Water Aquagym SABER MÁS Body Body Combat SABER MÁS Body Body Pump SABER MÁS Body Club Running SABER MÁS Body Cross Training SABER MÁS Spinner Cycle SABER MÁS Body Electro-Stimulation SABER MÁS Body Fitball SABER MÁS Zen Healthy Back SABER MÁS Body Kickboxing SABER MÁS Body Personal Training SABER MÁS Zen Pilates SABER MÁS Body Step SABER MÁS Zen Stretching SABER MÁS Body Tone SABER MÁS Zen Yoga SABER MÁS OPINIONS IMAGE GALLERY LEARN MORE